Why a Injury Rehab Journey can benefit you!

Hey you lovely bunch!

I cannot tell you how excited I have been to get blogging again, It’s been a hot minute since I hit the keyboard.

I thought I would start the first post off with of course a injury rehab post (because that’s of course my fave).

I find typical ‘physio’ exercises or injury rehabilitation is quite often misunderstood. When in fact it can be your key to success and so much more. Now lets forget about the typical, grab a resistance band and fling it around for a couple of weeks. Only to be left wondering why on earth nothing is changing. I quite like the say ‘nothing changes, if nothing changes’ here because that is completely true. Sticking with the same exercises for a long period of time is only going to get you so far.

Injury rehabilitation simply is just exercises, and needs to be adapted, planned and progressed in alignment with you, your injury and your life. So I wanted to dive a little bit deeper into how that process can benefit you if you do stick to it!

  • It can help increase you end performance and overall drive. You may find that by finally working on those small weaknesses you were avoiding, you actually end up better at your sprot that before! I have seen this with many clients who leave working with me feeling so much stronger, athletic and fitter than prior to their injury.

  • You create a better self awareness. By learning more about your injury and why it happened, it allows you to develop a much better understanding of the whole body and how it works. Now this isn’t saying it’s coming to see me for an anatomy lesson BUT by having the much better understanding it 1) helps you through you injury process, 2) allows you to apply that to your sport, gym , life etc.

  • You build a high mental resilience! I love this one. I find a lot of my clients leave doing 1-1 with me feeling so much more confident and happier with themselves and the movements/things they were once scared of and avoiding.

  • Learn new things! Think you know everything right? No one does! And I find injury rehab to be an eye opening experience for this. You may learn new and better ways to do something for you. You may start to improve other areas and learn new things with your training as a whole.

  • Its incredibly rewarding! To get through the process fully and know that you got yourself, through drive, commitment and patience back to what you love. What is more rewarding than that?

Your injury rehab journey can truly be an roller coaster journey but you can come out of it having learned a lot and feeling your strongest self! So, if you are currently trying to get rid of a niggle or a injury which has been bugging you for a while and stopping you from what you love to do! I would urge you to embark on your own injury rehab journey and finally get the result you want!!!!